Filming Insta-Friendly Food

Culture Trip - Hungerlust: HK episode

Everyone loves food. Food is everywhere. Food is something we interact with everyday. It is an ideal vector to get to know a country, its people and culture. So we were thrilled when travel and culture platform Culture Trip asked us to produce and direct a piece on dim sum for Hungerlust, a series on people through their beloved food, just released on their site.

The series producers were interested in dim sum as a novelty in a city where tradition still means so much. So they selected the king of insta-friendly food, Yum Cha and its chef Winson Yip, for new insights on the classics. And boy, were the fun bite sized delicacies just eye candy for our Sony FS7. However, we felt that grabbing people on the street to be our vox pops was the most fun challenge of the job.

Seek. Eat. Repeat. This is the tagline of the series, just what we have in mind for our next film and video productions.

The Hong Kong Fixer’s Production Value


Line production / fixing

Location scouting and management

Crew and equipment

Logistics and transport
